Thursday 22 September 2011

Peom #11

Pancake tortoise

Display results; sugar
Blisters. Mouths water.
Eaten by teeth after
Unduly ripped place.

Crust of us might drip
Nutrient over ancient
Rockface. So we hide
flat in them crevices.

Shells bend so we can.
Carapace radiation lines
Make us look like rock.
Sit tight & say nothing.

Them’s the breaks.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Peom #10


cadmium jet negligee
cooling on verge

plimsoll hob descant
be a baobab bob bib

strewth a blinder eh
jinx trap harbinger

calculated filthy fog
think pong equatored

apart jemmy mobius
heads alike conjoin

diabolic help to be
 ha ha effortlessly

Peom #9

celebratory in a fornicated way

pubic holiday view box w/
heads in it know them not

row background so tuned
out miniluv = not a censor

spittoon event produce in
-ertia exchange sit glower

w/out purpose life of desp-
eration death the v. same

still long as blah blah blah
commentary by some jerk

<Qu'ils mangent brioche>
‘what the dead lady said’

all you need = empty sent
iment easy w/eyes closed

Monday 19 September 2011

Peom #8

a brief history of teeth

between bits word food
peel plaque sentiments
asides & curdled breath

askew remnant thought
gritted seeds idle threat
+ square root o’root veg

burnt umber where was
white change decay etc
exhale until foes extinct

identified once no more
shitty worker concealed
legacy long lost kebabs


Some peots I like

Sunday 18 September 2011

Peom #7

Because Of Lights






Peom #6


cusp wallops
boogie intact
scimitar snag

abundant fondant
as of now wanting

shipped in foam from beneath

sawn off sadness

wheatear’s wailing
on heath dance ye

Not a peom, but...

Peom #5

horse fat

bungalow full of tedium
enter spoons said echo

credulous parenting
deskilled by skillet

crunch was oh no awe-
ful music start of some
thing insignificant gosh
chaps, it’s all the same

Saturday 17 September 2011

Peom #4

hip hep hop

Gather ye know ye
q = trick answers
on p. welching

cosine syd barcode
remember drimble
wedge aha I see

satan botherers
+ dress makers
never heard order

shape of a ship
spectrum disorder
limping with pie

not one of you
whip smart lip
split by spitting

Peom #3

human being

mayonnaise  her feet
ghosts beyond repair
fulcrum steadying fat
antler irrespective off

cruelty over the years
unequalled love to us
for what sake of what
drinking inexperience

yet parts coincidence
magnetized by a fate
worse than life breath
on mirrors let her live

Friday 16 September 2011

Peom #2

most things are nothing to do with me

a rum cove shouted melissa over
and over gain in an empty house

well worth wool in swedish it’d be
the same all clear till the all clear

broken by broking eyebrows draw
on down about empty crisp packet

Peom #1

Another poem about carnage

Bubbled with blood a
sponge couldn’t stop.

Apt in light of what
Went before, what!

The song stayed played
While we wasted away
 For a few days afterwards.


"The Work Of Art is a Stuffed Crocodile" (Alfred Jarry)